Are you working in the trucking industry? We have tools and resources to support you on your journey! See below for more information for employees of the trucking industry.

Essential Skills

Essential Skills

Essential Skills and Safety in the Trucking Industry is an initiative focused on exploring the link between literacy and safety.

Tobacco Cessation

Tobacco Cessation

With special thanks to Health Canada THRSC Atlantic has been able to create a smoking cessation awareness campaign for the trucking industry.

Building Skills Using Innovative Technology

This project will remove the barriers to employment by providing the existing workforce skills enhancement through a Virtual Reality Simulator. The VR simulator is the first of its kind specifically for the trucking industry.Transportation is comprised of four sectors...

Forestry Industry Resources

Trucking Sector Supports for those affected by the closure of Northern Pulp. We want to help keep businesses operating, keep people working, and keep skilled people here in Nova Scotia. We know you want to get back to work, so let’s work together to get you there. There…


Resources for employees in the trucking industry.

Job Board

Featuring job listings from THRSC Employers of Choice

Events and Training

Events and activities related to the trucking industry supported by THRSC Atlantic

Career Paths

Trucking professionals discuss their career paths in the industry

Essential Skills and Safety in the Trucking Industry is an initiative focused on exploring the link between literacy and safety.

Buckle up and Butt OutWith special thanks to Health Canada THRSC Atlantic has been able to create a smoking cessation awareness campaign for the trucking industry.

Featuring job listings from all employers, with top listings given to our Employers of Choice companies

Events and training related to the trucking industry supported by THRSC Atlantic

Understanding today’s challenges, removing tomorrow’s barriers.

Trucking professionals discuss their career paths in the industry.

Forestry Industry Resources for employers and professionals in the trucking industry.

Resources for employees in the trucking industry.

If Trucks Stopped

In 2-3 days…
SUPPLIES of essentials, such as bottled water, powdered milk, and canned meat at major retailers will disappear.
ATMs will run out of cash and banks will be unable to process transactions.



THRSC Atlantic
PO Box 1434
Truro, NS B2N 5V2