Supervisor Development - Fall 2020
Developed for supervisory staff in the trucking industryNew Dates Available

Program Description
This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed to be a supervisory in today’s trucking industry. The program itself is divided into 4 sections. The first section is a Pre-Training Component that has the supervisor, as well as his/her supervisor/manager, complete an assessment to identify the learner’s weaknesses and strengths as it relates to the supervisory competencies. The other three sections are subdivided into workable modules that offer development in the competencies/skills needed for a supervisor in the trucking industry.
Program Registration:
Supervisor Development
10 Week Program
September 22 & 23, 2020 in Truro
November 24 & 25 , 2020 in Truro
$1200/person + HST
Subsidized rate: $650/person + HST
Location: THRSC Atlantic Board Room, 14 Court St, Ste 301, Truro, NS
*Dates subject to change due to COVID-19
Course Outline
Understanding Self
Managing Self
Managing Others
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Human Resource Management
Managing Systems
- Introduction to relevant Legislation & Quality Control programs in the trucking industry
- OHS training
- Industry specific electives