Managing People to Perform
& Creating Post Traumatic GrowthWebinar: 45 – 60 minutes
June 25: 10:30 am – 11:30 am
No fee to participate
Facilitator: David Osborne
Webinar Summary
During these uncertain times many organizations are adapting to the reality of social distancing, less efficient production lines, working from home and other business impacts from this “new reality”.
This is a big adjustment for many businesses, especially for the managers who have to ensure these new and maybe even remote teams continue to thrive in the brave new world.
Business MUST continue however and managers are at the front line of making this happen. Let’s call it “Post Traumatic Growth”.
To achieve this, managers must know their people on a DNA level. What drives them? What behavioural traits influence how they work? What do they need to be just as successful at home?
Join Vice-President of Predictive Success, David Osborne in a one-hour invite-only session on creating a resilient workforce in the post-crisis world. This exclusive session will include insights from The Predictive Index, best practices for elite managers, and future-focused strategic plans.
Free Behavioural Assessment
All participants will receive a free Behavioural Assessment from The Predictive Index courtesy of Predictive Success

David Osborne
David W. Osborne is the Vice President of Predictive Success Corporation, a PI Certified Partner for The Predictive Index LLC. David’s client list includes many of Canada’s very best managed organizations.
I really learned a lot, very well taught and presented.

We have had several key note addresses but none were as interactive and transforming as the presentation you delivered to our members. Your thoughts and ideas around creating winning team cultures and ensuring best practices for hiring the best possible candidates have inspired us all to consider our current practices. Drawing on your many experiences and real life examples, created a fun and collaborative environment during your presentation. We would be happy to recommend Predictive Success to any group looking to drive results within their organization and create long lasting success in their sales teams.
A graduate from Acadia University, David has been identified by clients as a performance driven, persuasive and enthusiastic team leader, consultant & trainer.
David, a past recipient of HP Canada’s Super Star Program and #1 Circle of Stars at Manpower Inc., has consistently been recognized for his performance achievement by The Predictive Index LLC for more than 14 years.
David’s work earned him 12 straight selections to the President Club Award with Predictive Success since 2007. David recently earned high honors with his #1 global ranking with The Predictive Index LLC in 2016 & Top 10 in 2017 & 2018.
A resident of Halifax Nova Scotia since 1998, David is an integrated member of the Atlantic Canada and NE United States business community with active involvement in the Halifax Executives Association; FBAA (Family Business Association- Atlantic); Bangor Regional Chamber of Commerce, Halifax Regional Chamber of Commerce; HRPA Nova Scotia and New Brunswick The Canadian Professional Sales Association; and more than 25 years as an active member of Toastmasters International.