Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed

Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed

Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed

Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed

Harassment & Violence in the Workplace Oct. 2020


October 25 & 27: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Subsidized rate: $125 / person + HST. Today, managers and supervisors must be trained to prevent and correct harassment situations at work. With potential liabilities growing, management must understand their vital role in...

Harassment & Violence in the Workplace Oct. 2020


October 25 & 27: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Subsidized rate: $125 / person + HST. Today, managers and supervisors must be trained to prevent and correct harassment situations at work. With potential liabilities growing, management must understand their vital role in...

Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed

Advancing Women in Trucking


"The Power in Your Voice": Same great event, in a virtual atmosphere. November 4, 2020, 9am – 3pm – via Zoom. Speakers will be coming to you live from the comfort of your home or office. Three virtual sessions, at various times, throughout the day.

Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed

Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed

Supervisor Development – Fall 2020

THRSC Atlantic Board Room 14 Court Street, Suite 301, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

New Dates Available! This program has been developed specifically for supervisory staff, including managers, within the trucking industry. Its aim is to facilitate the learning of key skills needed